"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! Art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!
For thous has said in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above that of the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit."
Satan has such lofty goals. Such might aspirations. Yet, he is destined to fail. So, if we can only serve one master, why would we choose Satan in any form he chooses to present himself to us in? We know that Christ's way is God's way, and we know that His way is also the higher law, a better and more fulfilling way to live one's life. Satan wanted to enslave us and force us all to do things his way. No room for growth, no room for improvement.. sounds a lot like falling short of the Celestial Kingdom doesn't it?
I can't imagine the internal torment I might possibly feel if I fail to reach the Celestial Kingdom. We are immortal, we will live throughout the eternities. My GOODNESS that is hard to imagine.. yet it is true. Why oh why would we risk the rest of our immortal lives by playing with fire here on earth? This blip of time in comparison with the rest of our existance is so important, but every day people (including me) make choices that lead them down the path away from exaltation and eternal life. Is it really so hard to keep that goal in mind with every breath we take? Something of such great magnitude and importance to our eternal life should be on the forefront of our thoughts every waking moment. Every choice we make should have that end goal in mind. It astounds me that it is so difficult, yet the most wonderful people in the world continue to sin daily, and I am no exception.
I hope I will be able to attain Celestial glory, and I hope that I will meet every last one of my loved ones there as well. Infact, I should be doing everything in my power to help them make it there, because it wouldn't be the same without them.
Anyways, my day today was a great day. I always try to make the most of my days off of work, and I made today all about quality time with people that I love. I took two of my nieces (Mary and Kaelyn, Dean's daughters) over to one of my greatest friend's house to play on the wii and hang out. Garrett has a twelve year old brother that is Mary's age, so I figured they would enjoy eachother's company as friends, and sure enough everyone got a long swimmingly and we all had a ton of fun! After that it got to be time to venture home and get ready for institute.
YAY institute! I have so missed that for the last month or so. It is so uplifting to me. I really don't know what I would do if I had to go another week without the edification that it brings to my spirit. I love the Elmer's, they are such wonderful people and I thank God for putting them in my life as my institute teachers. I hope that I continue to keep them in my life long after they are called to serve God in another fashion.
After institute Garrett and I decided to go back to his place and watch The Princess Bride. He and his sister Cierra had never watched the whole move, and that had to be remedied. That is almost blasphemy seeing how the movie is 21 years old! (Older than either of them! haha) Though, I fear that I will pay for that decision tomorrow as I work at 9am, and it is now after 1am. Though, a commitment is a commitment and here I am typing away.
Doing this blog/journal has brought such wonderful peace to my soul, I cannot thank the Lord enough for inspiring me to do this.
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