Monday, December 29, 2008

The Decade of Choices

2 Nephi 6:17
"...For thus saith the Lord: I will contend with them that contendeth with thee"

Oh so many mixed emotions right now.  Life has a funny way of revealing itself to you a little at a time.  There are no moments in your life where all of your big choices happen all at once.  Instead they spread themselves out and rear their ugly head usually at very inopportune times.  But what can we really do about that?  Well, nothing.  All we can do is react the best way possible within the time we are given.  So long as we keep an eternal focus on life, there really are no choices in life, no decisions to be made, that will really sneak up on us and catch us off guard.

I have a lot of things running through my head, just to list a few:

1) Mission - This is the biggest one as far as something I have zero idea what to think about right now.  Not knowing whether or not I'm even able to go really throws a kink into any future plans I may make for myself

2) Work - I love my job, but again this ties into #1 as far as I hate that I'll have to leave where I work if I do end up going on a mission

3) School - I do fully intend to finish my education, but again this hinges on a possible upcoming mission (notice a theme developing here? lol)

4) Marriage/Dating - I understand the eternal principle behind dating and how it prepares us for marriage, but it is commonly known that "we marry those we date" etc etc.. but if what am I supposed to do about it if I'm also preparing for a mission? I don't want to leave a girl for 2 years that I'm fully committed to, so what is the point of getting into anything serious at this point?  That being said, I'm not one to throw away something that I can see developing into something so amazing that it takes my breath away simply thinking about it.  (*sigh*)

5) Certain family members - I could write a novel on this one.. but I'm far too tired to delv into that right now..

I know, I know.. these things will all resolve themselves in due time, and I understand that.  So what I'm relegated to doing at this point is putting my faith in the Lord that my life will be sorted out the best way possible so long as I keep Him first in my life and continue to further my personal conversion to the Gospel and continue to make it a part of my life as opposed to something that I have to constantly remind myself of.  I am 100% convinced that if you make the Gospel a part of your life, to where living the principles of it are 2nd nature and not something that you have to continuously check yourself on, that all things in life will simply fall into place and in the best way possible.

So, for now, I'm focusing on leaving as many doors open as I can, and in continuing to strive to be the best person I can be, who I know He would want me to be.

Have a wonderful experience in Taiwan Sarah, I will be missing you.

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