Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

2 Nephi 3:24
"And there shall rise up one mighty among them, who shall do much good, both in word and in deed, being an instrument in the hands of God, with exceeding faith, to work mighty wonders, and do that thing which is great in the sight of God, unto the bringing to pass much restoration unto the house of Israel, and unto the seed of the brethren."

Yes, it's a bit late.. but I promised I would blog daily, so here is my blogging before I hit the sack!  the lateness is due to the INCREDULOUSLY long game of rook.. but yay, we won.. so all is well in the land of rookdom!

Today was a wonderful Christmas!  I "made out like a bandit" (to quote Sarah).  I'm hitting that age where the gifts that I get tend to be pretty much 100% practical, and it just so happens that I'm getting to the age where I pretty much 100% appreciate that.  The gifts that I received that come to mind (remember, it is 2am here...) are:

A wonderful overcoat
A framed list of Christ's names
A songbook for piano of 80 popular religious songs
A beautiful Fossil watch
2 books that explain the backstory of wonderful songs (hymns and christmas carols)
Some music that my choir will LOVE singing over the next few months
A wondeful picture frame that I can't WAIT to put a picture in
A gift certificate to Boi Na Braza (a restaurant that I've been dying to go to, but it's soo expensive!)

And most importantly of all (yay cliche's) is that I got to see more of my family at one time than I normally do, and I got to share in the spirit of Christmas with them.  Family really is where it's at.  They're the first to pick you up when you're down, and they're the first to cheer you on when you're on a hot streak.  And they do it all out of love, nothing selfishly.  That truly is a testament to me as to why the family is the central figure in the Plan of Salvation, and in Christ's gospel.  It's such a beautiful thing.

Well, tomorrow I go back to work, back to the daily routine (after a rousing round of frisbee golf with dad, dean and amy!).  Good night, and Merry Christmas! ('til next year).

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