Saturday, February 28, 2009

These Latter Days

Mosiah 24:14
"And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions"

So much for the audio cd's I was making.. I caved in and bought myself a 16GB iPod today haha. That's going to make it so much easier porting my music around, as well as shuffling through it in the car (less dangerous, yay!). Technology is simply amazing these days. The day or so after a talk is given in General Conference, you can download it to your computer, and then onto a small 8 ounce device that can hold thousands of simliar audio recordings, and then listen to it whenever or wherever you want to. Astounding! 

When I think of things like that I think back to the days of King Benjamin and his address to his people. He had to build a tower simply so that more people could hear his speak than otherwise would be able to. In addition they had people writing down and/or repeating the address so that all those who were gathered 'round could hear (or read) the message. People spent days or even weeks preparing to hear the words of the prophet, and here we are with the ability to sit in the comfort of our own homes and listen to the same type of message. Yet some of us are too caught up in the world around us to even pay attention to that. 

People in the past had to travel for weeks on end to visit the temple, even now some people have a day or more worth of driving to do to visit a temple. And some people have a temple almost literally in their back yard, yet are too lazy (or whatever) to make the effort to go when the opportunities arise. 

What is it about our current generation that seems to put such little effort or desire into feasting upon the words of our prophet and apostles? Just because things are more readily available doesn't mean the message is any less applicable or meaningful. Instead of being complacent with the availability of such powerful messages, we should be capitalizing on the ease of it by taking the small amount of time required to be edified and uplifted by these words. 

I think the problem is with the numerous media avenues that are readily available 24/7. We get distracted by the television, by less than inspiring music, by books that do us no good, by movies that do nothing but numb the mind and so forth. These replacements for quality use of time, time which could be spent striving to feel the spirit, lead us down nothing but a downward path.

All that being said, I didn't use to think this way once, nor did these perceptions cross my mind. I find myself almost instantly holding everyone around me up to a different standard that I used to, and I've realized that I shouldn't be doing so necessarily. My life used to be completely different, and it took me a while, but I turned it around. I shouldn't be expecting others to live up to the standards I have for myself simply because one day a thought came to me, and not to them. All I can do is accept my own current state of mind and my own current desires, and continue to live them to the best of my abilities, while at the same time extending a hand of fellowship and love to my brothers and sisters. Words of encouragement and inspiration are what should be coming out of my mouth as opposed to words of accusation and beratement. That is how Christ would do it, therefore that is the example I should be following.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Modern Prophets

Mosiah 23:10-11
"Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands in bringing so many of you to a knowledge of his truth.
Nevertheless, in this I do not glory, for I am unworthy to glory of myself."

Well, I have begun my goal of making audio CD's for all of the General Conference talks given by the prophtes and apostles since 2003. Unfortunately, only 4 (5 if one of the talks is short, and we all know how often a general authority gives a "short" talk!) of them fit onto one CD, so I've used 16 CD's for just Hinkley, Monson, Faust, Eyring and Uchtdorf. Oh well, it is awesome to listen to these talks while I drive to and from work, and wherever else I travel. It helps keep me focused on things that matter throughout the day. I think I finally have a solution to my problem in finding a "spiritual lunch" to complement my spiritual breakfast (1 chapter out of the Book of Mormon) and dinner (this blog). 

I love the words of the leaders of the church. They truly are inspired of God. I do not consider myself a crier, but I was brought to tears by one of President Monson's talks on the way to work today. It was such a touching story, and I felt the spirit so strongly as I listened to it. I look forward to more moments such as that one. When you surround yourself with things that help to facilitate the presence of the spirit, your testimony can not help but be strengthened.

I would encourage all members of the church to download the general conference addresses, and listen to them as often as time permits. They are not simply meant to be heard once, and only on the day they are given, but they stand as testaments of our time. These leaders of our church address us only a handful of times each year, what they say is of such great importance that we should try to listen to them daily. I'm sure we all would love to hear them speak to us daily, to give us counsel each and every day on how we should live that day. So why not allow them to do so by re-visiting the words they have given to us daily (or, at least as often as time permits)? 

Amos 3:7
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."

D&C 1:38
"What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth shall pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same."

And who are the Lord's servants? As Amos himself said, the Lord's servants are the prophets. Many times members of the church get so wrapped up in understanding every fine detail of the standard works that they lose sight of the importance of revelation, modern-day revelation. Yes, the scriptures are wonderful, and without the Book of Mormon and the Bible, the world would be far worse off than it is today. But the wonderfulness of a living prophet that receives direct guidance from God, for our day, and for OUR futures? That is irreplacable and incomprable. We should not only be feasting from the scriptures, but we should also feast from the words of our living prophet and apostles. They are in tune with the current struggles and needs of the church, as well as those of the world. If I were to choose someone to help me make the right choices in my life, I sure as anything would prefer someone who loves me, cares about me, and recieves direct influence from God himself!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Mosiah 22:7
"And I will go according to thy command and pay the last tribute of wine to the Lamanites, and they will be drunken; and we will pass through the secret pass on the left of their camp when they are drunken and asleep."

Institute was great as always tonight. I really enjoy the topics we cover this semester, especially since they are what the apostles have been speaking about recently. Tonight we discussed L. Tom Perry's recent talk about simplicity. I really enjoy that topic because I have such a testimony of it. My testimony has been strengthened so much by that principle. There are 4 things we discussed today that are all we need in life (as discovered by Henry David Thoreau years ago).

1. Food
2. Clothing
3. Shelther
4. Fuel

The first 3 don't take explanation, but they can all have both positive and negative influences on our life, in various forms. I won't discuss these too much because they are not what are directly on my mind at the time, but I still want to say something briefly about each of them.

Food is obviously vital for our existence, but we need to make sure we are eating the right foods. This is where the Lord's guidance comes in to play, specifically names the Word of Wisdom. There is a really cool video about that found here. 

Clothing is vital as well, for various reasons. But thanks to the adversary, even this basic need has to be governed as well. Far too many people of this day and age use clothing in inappropriate ways to attract members of the opposite sex. Doing so does nothing but disrespect the fact that our bodies are temples, and should be treated as such.

Shelter is what keeps us safe and protected from much of the world around us. However, even this has become something of an idol in this day and age. Many people view their home as their "status" for others to see, and in turn strive to have as large a house as they can, or have as many nice and expensive things in it despite what might be a subpar income for the standard of living they desire. Living within your means truly is a principle that must be adhered to. Without doing so how can you ever plan for the future or expect to be able to provide for more than just yourself?

Fuel, that is the one that has been on my mind more lately. We know we that are both a body and a spirit, so it stands for reason that both need nourishment (as I have discussed in a previous post.) Returning to our Father in Heaven requires spiritual fuel, and constant and daily attention to that fact.

And that's it. Those are the only 4 things we need. Everything else comes as extra. Now, obviously, the 4th one (being fuel) is pretty all encompassing as it entails pretty much the entirety of our religious practices (church meetings, service, scripture study, etc), but so many people miss the bar here. They fill their lives with things that, eternally, just do not matter. This is something I have been working on in my life for a while now, and as I have gotten better about it, I really have come to enjoy the added peace that I have received due to it.

Computer games, avid sports watching, superfluous music, mindless tv-programs, mindless movies, hobbies that don't benefit any body, loud parties, and so forth. These things (for the most part) do nothing but take time away from you, time which could be spent strengthening your testimony, giving service, spending time with your family, etc. If something can't be classified as Food/Shelther/Clothing/Fuel - then is it really worth your time? Worth the time of a son or daughter of God? Worth the time of someone who will hopefully inherit all that their Father has, and needs to be as spiritually sound as possible to do so?

We are held to such a high standard by our Father in Heaven, should we not hold ourselves to that same standard? Christ led a very simple life. He truly did set the example in all things. In what ways can we simplify our lives and find more time for those things that really do matter? 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Mosiah 21:33
"...And Ammon declined doing this thing, considering himself an unworthy servant."

Really? Ammon considered himself unworthy to do baptize king Limhi? Ammon is a staple of righteousness for us to follow, but this shows documentation that even he had struggles in his life that prevented him from being able to excercise his priesthood at times. However he still had the moral fortitude to not dishonor his authority and his priesthood. King Limhi was SO desirous to be baptized, it would have been so easy for Ammon to lie to himself and to God and perform the ordinance that he had the authority to be able to do. However he lacked the worthiness to do so, and therefore humbled himself before king Limhi and did not baptize him. 

How painful an experience that must have been for both parties:
1) The sorrow that I'm sure king Limhi felt, that finally there was a man of God that had come to liberate them from their predicament, and who had also brought the message of the gospel with him! But that same man could not give him the one thing he truly desired at that moment in time: baptism into the true church. Which baptism would have entitled king Limhi to the gift of the Holy Ghost as well as all of the other blessings which follow with it, which most likely would have made ruling his people under the guidance of the Lord a bit easier as well. 

2) I'm sure that Ammon's soul was tormented with sorrow and regret for whatever sin it was that he committed which caused him to be unworthy to perform an ordinance that would have meant so much to not only king Limhi, but all of Limhi's followers that also yearned for baptism. But what an example he was despite his period of tribulation. To be able to look king Limhi in the face and apologize that he could not baptize him. How many of us make the decision to take the sacrament unworthily, simply because our friends might be watching and we wouldn't want them to think less of us. Ammon stared an entire nation in the face and told them he was unworthy to do for them the thing that had become the most important thing on their agenda, every single person's agenda!

The Lord truly looks on the heart, and Ammon remembered that. Even if we have struggles in our lives with worthiness, or whatever our struggle may be, the Lord will always judge us based on our intentions and our desire to do what is right. Not what may seem popular, or will make the most amount of people happy (whether it be a temporary happiness or a longer-lasting one), but that which will make the Lord happy. We must strive to keep that close to our heart.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Matters Most

Mosiah 20:11
"And it came to pass that the people of Limhi began to drive the Lamanites before them; yet they were not half so numerous as the Lamanites. But they fought for their lives, and for their wives, and for their children; therefore they exerted themselves and like dragons did they fight."

Where on earth can I find heaven? The answer lies in that verse right there. In my family. My current family, and my future family - those are honestly the only 2 things in the world that mean more than anything else. If you live your life so that those 2 things are in order, and are always first in every choice you make. It is very hard to go wrong.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Friendly Surmising

Mosiah 19:20
"And the king commanded them that they should not return; and they were angry with the king, and caused that he should suffer, even unto death by fire."

It's odd that as I am preparing to leave the area/state, those that I have been spending my time with here in the Grapevine/Colleyville/Lake Worth areas.. are getting far closer to me than at any other point in time previously.  I feel as though I am just now making close friendships with those that have seemingly been my good friends for the last little while. And not simply the sort of friends that you forget a couple of months after moving away either, but the type of friends that you remain close to for the entirety of your lives. Then again, maybe it's the prospect of me moving that is causing the bonds to be formed. I'm not saying that is definitely the case, but the correlation certainly is there. 

Maybe it's me. Maybe I am finally being the friend I always should have been because I'm trying to squeeze in time with friends that I might have been neglecting in the past? That would certainly follow a trail of logic. 

Also, on the topic of friends, I find it quite interesting that my best friends at this point in time are far younger than me. (24, 24, 21, 21, 20, 19, 19, 18, 17, 17 - averages out to 20 exactly).  Is there something to that? I really don't know. I've always considered myself comfortable with those in the older crowd of things (thanks to my family), but I always tend to find myself mingling more often with those of a younger generation. And if and when I do move to Utah, I don't see that necessarily changing. I'm not quite sure why this is, but it simply is.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happiness Is A Choice

Mosiah 18:21
"And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another."

Well, today I gave a talk in church for the first time in about 9 or 10 years, so I figured it would be fun to post the whole talk. I have received much positive feedback about it, far more than I expected, and far more than just cordial feedback, which completely caught me off guard. Anyways, here is what I worked on for the last week.

Happiness is a choice 

Everyone close your eyes, picture happiness, what do you see?

  •  Green fields
  • Butterflies
  • Clear sky
  •  Mother and Father
  •  Siblings
  •  Children
  •  On vacation
  •  At work
  •  In schools
  •  At the temple
  •  At church
  •  Taking the sacrament
  •  Praying
  •  Serving a mission
  •  Eternal life
  •  Singing, or playing a musical instrument
  •  Playing baseball, volleyball, basketball, or your sport of choice
  •  Hanging out with friends, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company
  •  Or maybe you’re not picturing any of these things, and that’s perfectly all right, Happiness is different for each person, and that is divine.

Keep your eyes closed, but I’m going to change this up a little bit, are you happy when you think of these things?

  • Talking behind others’ backs
  • Feel too lazy to help someone in their time of need
  •  Lie to someone
  • Don’t work as hard as you could at your respective jobs
  •  Use language that you know Heavenly Father wouldn’t approve of

I don’t want to beat too long on the negative side of things, but I assume the difference between these 2 lists is obvious. There may not be an apparent difference in how we act or think when choosing things from these 2 lists to do, but I would go as far as to say that at one point in time throughout the day, we always recognize the effect such activities have on our spirit.

2 Nephi 2:25-27
“Adam fell that men might be; and men are that they might have joy.
“And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.
“Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.”

Is not the purpose of this life to exercise our free agency and be able to stand before God at the judgment bar and say that we used our free agency for righteousness, and for the betterment of not only our standing, but for the betterment of the lives of those around us? It all centers on choice.

[Rainbows in Great-Grandma’s Bedroom] – Ray Goldrup

That’s the key. To be happy despite events that would otherwise make us sad, and to always think of others in nothing but a positive light. For we are all children of the same Heavenly Father, are we not all entitled to such a high estimation from our eternal siblings?

 So, in my preparing for this talk, I thought about how one successfully chooses to be happy. And through much pondering and searching I came up with 6 things, I call them the 6 Keys to Eternal Happiness – and they are all centered on our own personal choices, and not the choices of others.

But before I read them, I want to pose 2 questions.
“Why is it that there are so many popular and wealthy people in this world that are not happy?
“Why are there numerous poor and physically-suffering people that are always smiling?

6 Keys to Happiness 

  1. (Most important) Plan to be happy.

Alma 27:16-18
“And it came to pass that as Ammon was going forth into the land, that he and his brethren met Alma, over in the place of which has been spoken; and behold, this was a joyful meeting.
“Now the joy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea, he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the exhausting of his strength; and he fell again to the earth.
“Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness.”

We must seek out happiness, for how can we obtain something that we aren’t looking for? We aren’t simply going to stumble across something that means that much to us. We must not only search for happiness, but we also must prepare our minds and our spirits so that when we do find something that makes us truly happy, we are able to receive it. George Burns once posed a question: “Am I living a life I love, and one that allows me to be happy?”

He didn’t ask “are things happening in my life that cause me to be happy? Are those around me dragging me out of my sorrow and lifting me up?” No, he focused on our own personal accountability for the way in which we view our own lives. We must plan to be happy; we must shape our own lives around things that make us, respectively, happy. These things that we must shape our lives around could be those things we imagined just a few moments ago. And that’s where happiness is different for each person. The things that make me happy aren’t necessarily the same things that make you happy, nor should they necessarily be.  We all lead different lives and have different struggles, and therefore we all are inspired in different ways and we all have different ways of becoming happier people. That being said, one simple way to define a “happiness plan” is to do things we love to do, be with people we love to be with, and think things that uplift us – not things that drag us down.

  1. Become comfortable with yourself and who you are.

This is probably the hardest one of the 6, but it is so vital. We must come to an understanding of who we are. We ARE children of God, and therefore we are entitled to blessings and the comfort of the spirit. Can anything else bring more happiness than that?

It always amazes me when I see people get upset, truly and honestly upset, over things that really just do not matter. Many people raise their voices out of anger when their favorite team makes a dumb play, or when someone makes a degrading comment about them, for whatever reason. Those who react angrily to comments about them must not understand who they are. What cause do I have to take offense and continue an argument with someone who is insulting me? For I am a child of God, and therefore should understand that no matter what this person may think or say, God knows who I am, and He loves me, and that should be enough.

That bring me to a scripture in 3 Nephi 11:29-30:
“For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.
"Behold, this is not my doctrine to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away.”

Do away with your anger towards others. Find within yourselves the ability to discern that which is worth bring upset about, as opposed to the small and insignificant irritants of your daily lives. I will expound more on this in key #6.

  1. Surround yourself with happy people, and partake in uplifting activities.

Do things such as read your scriptures, pray always, go to church, pay your tithing, listen to wholesome and uplifting music, spend time with your family as often as time permits, be active, and so forth. Now, if that is good advice, so apparently is the admonition to avoid the alternative.

4 Nephi 1:16
“And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, no lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.”

Really? Let me read that again. “There could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.” That includes everyone! Everyone on this world, as well as any world God may have ever created. The Nephites and Lamanites went through respective cycles of righteousness, as well as those of wickedness, but this moment in time, about 38 years after Christ appeared to them, they were so righteous and prosperous that they were doing better at being happy than anyone else, ever, in the history of the word ever.  And what is remarkable about it is that it all stemmed from the choices they made. So let’s figure out what those choices were.

4 Nephi 1:15
“And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.”

The love of God. That is what we need to seek after, that is what we need to choose to have. And is not charity the pure love of Christ? That leads me to key #4.

  1. Serve Others.

It amazes me how this works. Whenever I am feeling down, or sad, or any negative emotion, the thing that helps to reverse that more than anything is to give unselfishly of myself, to serve whomever I can. Whether it be doing the dishes for my Mother, or giving someone a ride to church that doesn’t have another means of transportation, or mowing the yard for an elderly couple that has difficulty doing so, or even baking cookies or muffins for a family that might need a lifting of spirits. We cannot help but feel good about ourselves, and we cannot help but be happy when we unselfishly help another one of God’s children. Additionally, when we think on the problems other people have, our own problems seem less serious, and are less apt to affect us negatively.

We must always remember just how much we have to give to others; our knowledge, wisdom, experience, advice, our time, our strength, our laughter, our abilities to make other people smile, and so forth.

There is a common misconception about the order of things when it comes to happiness and action. Many people think it is logical that we act based on how we feel. That if we feel sad, we will sit about our house and not do much of anything, that if we feel energetic we’ll go outside and jog around the block, that if we feel happy we will find ourselves smiling and giving service. I disagree. I believe that it is actually the opposite.

We feel based on the way we act. If we want to be happy, then do things that make you happy, no matter what mood you may currently be in. If we want to be sad, then we will find ourselves avoiding things that make us happy, which seems completely odd to me. I can relate from personal experience, there have been times that I have been sad and sorrowful, and crying, and it doesn’t really matter what it was about. But I have distinct memories of pushing my family members away that were attempting to comfort me in my time of need. Why was I doing that? Why was I rejecting something that would make me happy? It’s because I desired to be sad, and I would not let myself make the choice to change my attitude at that specific point in time.

And that’s exactly what it is, our choice. We choose to act in ways that bring us happiness, or we choose to be sad and wallow in our own imperfections and shortcomings.

  1. Show gratitude.

You cannot help but be happy when you find yourself thanking someone for something they did. It goes completely against the nature of being thankful. Think about it, when you are thanking someone, are you frowning, or are you smiling? But we need to not only thank those around us; we also need to thank the Lord. We must count our blessings and in doing so we will realize just how much in our lives we have to be thankful for, no matter how sorrowful we may be at that moment in time. In fact, we are commanded to do so.

Alma 34:38
“That ye contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.”

Keeping things in perspective will truly show us that no matter how difficult our life may seem, or how rude some people may appear, we always have reason to be thankful, and reason enough to love. And that brings me to my final Key to Happiness.

  1. Have and maintain an Eternal perspective.

Alma 41:5-6 (Alma speaking to his son Corianton)
“The one raised to happiness according to his desires of happiness, or good; and the other to evil according to his desires of evil; for as he has desired to do evil all the day long even so shall he have his reward of evil when the night cometh.
“And so it is on the other hand. If he hath repented of his sins, and desired righteousness until the end of his days, even so he shall be rewarded unto righteousness.”

That scares me to death. That the level of happiness that I desire here on earth will be the same level of happiness I shall obtain in the world to come. If that is true, how can anyone be fooled into thinking that happiness isn’t our own decision? Why would God base such an eternal and everlasting principle on something that is not in our complete control? Our test in this life is to see how we will use our free agency, and to see what we will seek out given our own personal time and ability to choose. Yet, it is that very thing that will either lead us towards eternal happiness or eternal misery. We truly will have those things that we seek after, and the things that we desire.

Mosiah 2:41 (King Benjamin)
“And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.”

I want never-ending happiness! Who’s with me? The choice is ours. Just as I read in 2 Nephi, we are free to choose liberty and eternal life, or captivity and death, and the choice starts with our hearts.

So why is it that a poor man can be truly happy, while a wealthy man finds no comfort in his riches? There are 2 answers:
1) Because, to find happiness, you must make the choice to focus on others, instead of on yourself.
2) Because things of this world, things we leave behind when we die, are not the things that we should be choosing as our avenue of obtaining happiness. Those who truly understand who they are, and what awaits them in the kingdoms of glory after this life passes; those are the people that have zero reason to ever not be happy. They choose to keep their eternal perspective on life at the forefront of their mind, for when you know the Celestial Kingdom awaits you, what reason do you have to mope about the trials of today?


Mosiah 17:9
"Now Abinadi said unto him: I say unto you, I will not recall the words which I have spoken unto you concerning this people, for they are true; and that ye may know of their surety I have suffered myself that I have fallen into your hands."

Wow, what an amazing display of dedication to the gospel! Abinadi shows us all right there just how important the message that Christ lives truly is! It is so important that it outweighs the importance of our lives. I hope that I have enough faith in my beliefs that if my life were threatened, and I would be allowed to live only if I recounted my beliefs, that I would have the resoluteness to bear my testimony instead. I think I do, but I suppose one only knows the answer to that if they are put in that situation. 

I've often thought that it is more difficult to "live for your beliefs" than it is to "die for your beliefs." One is instantaneous, and the other takes your entire life. I suppose that choice is certainly a good representation of how importance it is to live our lives in preparation for the world to come as opposed to living for the current day. Here's to enduring to the end!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Luke Warm Feet

Mosiah 16:9
"He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death."

Today was fairly uneventful as far as most opinions would go. However, I began preparing for my talk on Sunday, and got a good 2 hours of research and typing done. So it is mostly finished, I think, we'll see what the next 2 days do to the current state of my talk. I am very excited to give this talk, despite the fact that it is the first talk I will have given in approximately a decade, and to top it off I am the final speaker... so I get all of the remaining time left over from the first 2 speakers.. go me! Though, I do not fear that I will be guided in what to say, as my mind has literally been pondering the topic ever since the moment I was asked to give this talk last week. I will pray for the Lord to impress me as far as what to say, and I do not doubt His ability to do so, or His desire. That being said, I don't have much time to prepare this talk. I work at 11am tomorrow and wont get home until 11:30pm or so, which means work will take up over 12 hours of my day. Additionally, I am going to the Grapevine Ward this Sunday, which means I have to get some sleep, especially since I am playing a musical number for their sacrament meeting! I think my solution to this will be to skip the Grapevine Ward's elders quorum meeting and use that extra hour or so to finalize my talk.. because I have to get to my ward early (as always) for choir practice!  There just are NOT enough hours in the day! I however do not doubt that I will make the necessary preparations, or that I will have the proper spirit with me as I speak to my singles ward. I truly do look forward to it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Temple Day

Mosiah 15:26-27
"But behold, and fear, and tremble before God, for ye ought to tremble; for the Lord redeemeth none such that rebel against him and die in their sins; yes, even all those that have perished in their sins ever since the world began, that have wilfully rebelled against God, that have known the commandments of God, and would not keep them; these are they that have no part in the first resurrection.
Therefore ought ye not to tremble? For salvation cometh to none such; for the Lord hath redeemed none such; yea, neither can the Lord redeem such; for he cannot deny himself; for he cannot deny justice when it has its claim."

Today was simply an amazing day. Seeing the seed of the gospel unmistakably planted in someone's heart is an experience that is hard to match. Institute tonight was awesome, as always, and I think more so tonight in particular because of the change I saw in the demeanor of Maritza tonight in comparison to the way she normally carries herself. I am going to continue to pray for her, she truly does seek after that which is true, and she is closer now than she ever before has been. If there is any time in her life that she needs the direction and guidance of the Lord, it is right now. I feel an odd peace come over me when I ponder on her future with the church, it almost seems as though there is no need for me to worry, the Lord is taking care of her. I do hope I am correct in this, it would bring me so much happiness and joy to see her partake of the blessings of the gospel. I yearn for it!

However, I heard a phrase used the other day that really bothered me. A close friend of mine was talking about "temple day" referring to the day in which one attends the temple. The term came up while we were talking about movies. He brought up the movie "The Producers" which I think is a great movie, freaking hilarious. Anyways, he mentioned that he loved the movie, but didn't feel as though it was appropriate to watch on "temple day." That got me thinking, why should "temple day" be any different from any other day of our life? We should feel as though we are clean and worthy enough to attend the temple any and every day shouldn't we? If we do things that we wouldn't do assuming we were going to the temple later that day, should we do those things in the first place? 

Then I got wondering, how many other people in the church share that same sentiment? Because in all honesty that sentiment reminds me of nothing other than compromise and rationalization. Mindset has a lot to do with intent. In order to have the correct intent, regarding our honoring the gospel, we must have the correct mindset about what it takes to do so correctly, and we must be black and white about what is and what is not correct. There is no middle ground when it comes to the gospel, there are only 2 directions in life. Up, towards the Celestial Kingdom, or down, towards eternal and everlasting hell.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pure Heart

Mosiah 14:3-5
"He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
But he was wounded for out transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."

So many thoughts, concerns, consternations, choices, going through my mind right now. Sometimes I just wish that life could be simpler, that all of the right answers were right there in front of us. And yet, they are, but we have to discern which answer is the right one and which ones are either of the devil, or are "less right." That is where the Lord comes in to play. The weight of one's future can destroy a person if they let it. How merciful and loving the Lord is. Every pain, every sorrow, every offense, every negative emotion we have felt, Christ has also felt that. He truly has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. So why can't we let him continue to do so? He begs us to let him do that for us. And in doing so, we create a bond, a relationship with him that only brings us closer to him. Letting Christ help us make our choices takes much of the pressure off of us, as well as the fact that letting him be a part of our decision making process will most definitely give us a higher chance of making the correct decision (based on how well we listen and follow through). 

But why is it that some choices we make seem to weigh on our souls so heavily that we can't seem to let Christ help? Why is it that we still feel as though we're alone on certain decisions, or that his help isn't valid, or isn't enough? Why is it that when we think we've come to a decision on something after seeking the guidance of the Lord, and then that decision doesn't turn out to be what we thought it would be, are we so quick to judge and to blame and to feel sorry for ourselves? Maybe the Lord is trying our faith to make sure that we are as committed as we claim to be? Maybe he makes it seem as though things aren't going to work out, but in reality if we just push through the difficult and seemingly insurmountable odds, the decision we came to will actually turn out to be what we hoped it would be. There definitely are a plethora of historical situations that support that last hypothesis. Maybe there is something that needs to change about us that will make something possible that would otherwise seem impossible, and the Lord keeps it that way until we do change.

The Lords ways are so hard to understand, yet they are so simple at the same time. If we truly live the gospel, every tiny tid bit of it, then nothing will ever defeat us because we will always have the strength and guidance of the Lord, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. It is when we sin, or when we forget who we are that we let ourselves get feeling down, or feel defeated, or feel inadequate. We are sons and daughters of God. Nothing will ever, nothing CAN ever take that away from us. And with that we are entitled to so many blessings and such heavenly support that makes believing anything contrary an obvious farce.

And it all begins and ends with clean hands and a pure heart. After that, everything else follows.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Sabbath

Mosiah 13:18
"But the seventh day, the sabbath of the Lord thy God, thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor they maid-servant, nor they cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates;"

In my old[er] age I have come to appreciate the sabbath day. It really is a day to relax, reflect, enjoy the company of my family, and draw closer to the Lord. There are plenty of other days that I can spend working, watching sports, participating in recreational activities, and so forth. The Lord made our bodies to need a period of rejuvination, and sleep is not enough. That seventh day of the week rejuvinates more than just the body, but also the soul and the spirit. Not to mention it qualifies you for the blessings that the Lord gives you for obeying his commandments. 

"There is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated- And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."

So, is there any point in your life that you have said to yourself "I don't feel like being blessed today, I don't need the Lord's blessings to help me with this."  Is that not what we're doing when we intentionally disobey the Lord? We're telling him that we don't want or need his help, because when we disobey him, we are denying ourselves the opportunity of accepting his blessings. Is that not a form of pride? If the blessings we receive are only given to us by obeying the laws of God, and we receive specific blessings by obeying specific laws, then it stands for reason that if we repeatedly disobey one certain law of the gospel, that we will repeatedly not receive certain blessings no matter how hard we pray and ask for them. 

That may be all fine and dandy if you don't like receiving blessings. Things like obeying the law of tithing and it saving us from burning at the last days, you know, small stuff like that. Or that if we forgive other people their trespasses against us, we will receive the same from the Lord. It follows closely along the lines of something called a "principle with a promise." The principle is that we should obey the commandments and the laws of the gospel. The promise is that he will bless us. That reminds me of a scripture in Mosiah, quoting King Benjamin:

"And now, in the first place, he hath created you, and granted unto you your lives, for which ye are indebted unto him. And secondly, he doth require that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bless you; and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have ye to boast?"

He immediately blesses us. Also, that scripture doesn't say "he blesses you if he feels like it." No, he keeps his end of the bargain, always. That is how much he loves us and how forgiving he is of his children. How can we not trust in him? How can we know what he asks of us, and what he promises us if we simply obey and trust him, and then turn around and disobey him? How can we reject his blessings? How blessed would our lives be if we learned to tune into the spirit and let him guide our every thought, deed, and action? If we remembered him in all things that we do, and in every decision we make, small and large?

And that brings me back to the subject I first mentioned: The Sabbath Day. How is it that the general Christian world can read Luke 23:56 (And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment.") as well as the other myriad of scriptures on the topic, and still feel justified in working on Sundays? Is that really the best way we have of taking advantage of the one day per week that the Lord has asked us to set aside for spiritual and physical rejuvination? And to carry it one step further, is one day out of our week too much for the Lord to ask? I mean, after all, he is only our Father, the dude who created us, the one that blesses us, the one that loves us more than anyone else, and so forth. I suppose I can give him at LEAST: 1/10th of my earnings, 1 of my 7 days in a week, a daily feast from his scriptures, and so forth. I don't think that is too much to ask in return for, you know, my existence, my free agency, the countless blessings I have received in life, and so forth. 

So when Sunday rolls around on the calendar again, take some time to thank the Lord for everything you have (literally, seriously, try writing down everything that you have been blessed with in life, it will amaze you), and rest from your normal weekly routine. If you have a job that forces you to work on Sundays, pray about that job and how important that specific job is to you in your life versus some other alternatives you may have. Even jobs that require you to work from home... is that really honoring the sabbath day? And if it's not, is that act worth denying yourself the blessings of keeping the sabbath day holy? Is any measure of disobedience worth denying ourselves the blessings of our Father?

Monday, February 16, 2009


Mosiah 12:27
"Ye have not applied your hearts to understanding; therefore, ye have not been wise. Therefore, what teach ye this people?"

I can't help but wonder how the apostles didn't recognize the Savior while they walked together on the road to Emmaus. They had seen him three days prior, so he had to have looked more than just slightly different in his resurrected and perfect body for them to not know who he was. I can't imagine the internal pain I would feel if Jesus Christ was standing next to me, and I didn't recognize him. And I've never even met the guy here on earth! Those apostles must have been sick to their stomachs! I do hope that if I am still on the earth when he comes again, that I will recognize him. But how could I? We have no pictures of him that are accurate. We have no descriptions of his distinct physical features (other than the holes in his hands and feet... which in reality.. are pretty disctintive haha, but those men didnt recognize him despite those details, so why would I think that I would be able to?).

I heard recently that we learn physical things physically, and spiritual things spiritually. That struck me when I heard it because it makes a lot of sense. To gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon, we need a witness from the spirit that it is true. Reading it as a historical document and simply looking for facts wont prove anything about it to you. But since the book is a spiritual one, to understand and to know it you have to have that spiritual witness. Much like the spirit wont tell you that 2+2=4.. that is simply a physical fact. I imagine it will be much the same when Christ comes again as far as recognizing him. I won't be able to rely on my eyes or any of my senses that I am beholding the Christ, I will have to be able to recognize the promptings of my spirit because my spirit sure will recognize who he is!  Just as they said in Luke: "Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?" Their spirits certainly recognized who it was walking with them, even if their perceptions did not. 

And really, is it not the same with us in all things, every day? We go through life relying on our eyes, our ears, our hands, and so forth. But often times (far more than we ought to) we neglect the promptings and whisperings of the spirit. An experience that follows closely to this (to a small degree) actually happened to me today. I was leaving Hobby Lobby and was about to head towards my car when a guy in an SUV pulled up and asked me if I wanted some stereos. I thought to myself that it seemed at least worth looking into, so I let him keep talking. He pulled his car into a parking spot and opened up his trunk and showed me the stereos. He was wearing a Genesis (the company that makes the speakers he was delivering) shirt and told me that whoever had loaded his vehicle must have looked at the order wrong and gave him an extra set of speakers to deliver that weren't ordered. However, if he went back to work with the extra speakers, his boss would simply keep them and the mistake would never go noticed by the mother company or whatever. So this guy figured that instead of take the chance of his boss getting the free stuff, he would try to offer it to random people he ran into on his way back to work in hopes that they would give him something in return (I assume monetary compensation). Before he even finished his story, I had the strangest sensation come over me that this guy had probably stolen these things, or that his story wasnt 100% factual and that there was more to it that he was leading on. So instead of even entertaining the thought of "so what, it's not like I'm ever going to get tracked if I buy these off of him," I simply told him that I wasn't interested and went about my way. Something just did not feel right about the situation, but it was nothing that he said, or that I saw, or anything of the sort. I do believe that it was the spirit whispering me to not even get involved and to let this man go on about his day. 

Sure that can be chalked up to having a "conscience" or what have you, but it was more meaningful than the notion to "keep the commandments and dont sin" type of urging. We all know what it feels like to debate within ourselves about whether or not to tell a lie, to cover up something we shouldn't have done or to admit it, and so forth. Those are the daily struggles we have, and we don't need to be told what goes on inside of us when those come up. This seemed to be a bit more. It was more of a "don't even think about hearing this guy out, nothing good can possibly come of it" type of prompting. And that was unmistakably the spirit talking to me.

I imagine that being in tune with the promptings of the spirit more often than not is going to be a life long process. But one that will certainly be worth it. Because really, aren't we spirits trapped inside of a body after all? Let's let our spirits do the talking and the walking for once. It'll sure be interesting to see where it leads us.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Mosiah 11:25
"And except they repent in sackcloth and ashes, and cry mightily to the Lord their God, I will not hear their prayers, neither will I deliver them out of their afflictions; and thus saith the Lord, and thus hath he commanded me."

Well, there certainly is no turning back now... I have been released as the pianist for my ward since I will only be there 3 more weeks, and they need time to get another pianist in place and comfortable with the routine. That calling brought me a lot of joy, I really had fun providing the music for our ward. Now I am simply the choir director, and after our next performance (probably my last week there) I will be released from that as well. I am going to severely miss my singles ward in Colleyville, I have grown so much, learned so much, matured so much, and really become whom I desire to be over the last year with the help of that ward. 

Anyhow, so I believe I have finally made up my mind as far as what I want to study at school, and for the first time in a long while, I am honestly excited about my future education! I have always been curious as to what makes people do the things they do, why they think the way they think, what motivates one person versus another person, and so forth. In addition, I always find myself trying to help people emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc.. wherever I'm able to. Whether it be listening to someone's internal struggles, their outward struggles, questions they ponder and whatnot, and I honestly find myself caring about their situtation each and every time. I'm not always successful in helping everyone, but it is something that I honestly love doing and I usually have some measure of helpfullness to a situation whether it be a momentary lifting of spirits, or an actual answer to their problem. So, I think with a church-based education and guidance, I will be better able to do that which I love: helping people. Therefore my intended major is going to be psychology. 

And honestly, I doubt I would let myself major in psychology anywhere other than BYU. There are just so many opinions and "scientific facts" out there that say one thing when human nature (whether the facts support it or not) is simply not what a lot of experts say it is. Psychological instruction without direction of God (you know, our literal Father) is really just guess work when you really break it down. That is why I look forward to receiving spiritual instruction on the subject, because that is how I try to base my life and the advice/help that I currently offer to those in need. 

In addition, being well versed in psychology opens up so many doors career-wise. Even if I do end up going down the path of a Chick-fil-A operator, having a psychology background will help me run my store better as far as keeping morale high and maintaining quality employees. And if I don't end up sticking with Chick-fil-A, psychology is one profession that wont be low in demand for a long time to come if ever. I feel really good about this, I am completely stoked!


Mosiah 10:14
"And his brethren were wroth with him because they understood not the dealings of the Lord; they were also wroth with him upon the waters because they hardened their hearts against the Lord."

I had a great idea as what to blog about tonight, but on account that it is as late as it is, and I have to wake up as early as I do, and because it would take me forever to write the blog I intended to write... I leave my journal entry thusly...

I had a very long week at work this past week. 47+ hours (including being called in early twice, and switching things around to go in late once), fairly stressful situations that I did not want to be in which I could not avoid, lots and lots of busy-ness, and none of it really seemed to flow or make any sense considering how things usually go. That being said, it was a great learning experience and I think weeks like this last one will teach me how to be not only a better leader, but a better person. Things I could have said or done differently, situtations that I could have prepared better for, conversations I will better avoid in the future. Not saying that Chick-fil-A will always be my career of choice, and that every week helps me develop that future, but I try to apply non-work principles to things that take place at work, whenever I can. I find that even in small examples, life-long lessons can be extracted and held dear. I just hope I can remember the lessons I've learned without having to repeat them...

Friday, February 13, 2009

I am a gamer

Mosiah 9:18
"And God did hear our cries and did answer our prayers; and we did go forth in his might..."

I often wonder how long I am going to keep this journal/blog going. I know what inspired it and the benefit it has had in my life, but I know that I can't do this every night.. forever! (Or can I?) It would have to be a GOOD reason, one that I would feel good about. Obviously if I went on a mission that would be a worthy reason. Would marriage suffice? I really don't know. I digress...

So, I have recently been VERY tempted to start gaming again, specifically an MMORPG. I logged into one that I used to play because I received a free week or so of game play, and a few of my gaming friends still play. I pretty much had myself convinced that I was going to return to gaming because I rationalized "I'm a different person now, I can do this in moderation." But then I got to thinking, and praying... Really? Can I? I'm not the type of person that, when I'm doing something I really enjoy, does it to anything less than the best of my abilities. The same goes with gaming, which is why at one point it controlled and took over my life. When it comes to gaming, I am a power gamer. Even on Rock Band, when the singing part doesn't really matter as far as the difficulty you play it on, I do expert simply for the challenge and because it just might be impressive to someone else (and to myself as well!). Single player games are slightly different, but that's not the issue at hand. When it comes to online games that numerous people play, simultaneously, and therefore compete against each other, the "uber leetness" comes out, even in the best of people. That's how they make their money and how they get people hooked. They create a setting that allows people to compete against eachother, and it just grows and builds from there.

So I finally realized, after telling myself that I could, then couldn't, then could, then couldn't, etc.. that even if I could, are there not better things I could do with my time? If I did play, I would most likely play past the hour I want to go to bed, it would interrupt conversations I may want to have with people, and it would most definitely get a higher priority than piano. Not playing in general, but I would put less time into getting better at the piano, which when I look back at, I enjoy those results far more than I do the results of my "gaming achievements." 

Now, this is not to say that everyone that plays mmo's is wasting their time and should be using their time more productively, this is simply for me. I would much rather see myself study the scriptures and study the piano for 3 hours, versus playing a game that benefits me in no way considering the future. There are uplifting and inspiring activities we can participate in that benefit us for the long run that are enjoyable, and even moreso enjoyable when you consider the "long run." 

It really is a choice between "acceptable/ok/good" and "better."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

And Beyond

Mosiah 8:20
"O how marvelous are the works of the Lord, and how long doth he suffer with his people; yea, and how blind and impenetrable are the understandings of the children of men; for they will not seek wisdom, neither do they desire that she should rule over them!"

Today was an awesome day! Work called me in to help for 3 hours because one of our employees was sick and could not wortk, so I got 3 hours of overtime pay in, which really just means that I have more money to spend on a certain someone at a future point in time, hehe. Afterwards I came home and got ready for institute. Institute tonight was extra special because my long-time best friend Craig accepted my invitation for him to come. It seemed as though he really enjoyed the lesson, and even enjoyed the three games of volleyball that he played afterwards, though we lost every game haha. Oh well, it was fun anyhow. 

Tonight's topic was on Celestial Marriage. I really can't wait to start making that progression. Though, really the progression starts now, with my own development. I didn't necessarily learn anything new tonight, but reaffirming words are always welcome, especially when they are about things that are near and dear to my heart. Working out my own worthiness and readiness for marriage is first and foremost on the progression towards that of Celestial Marriage, and ignoring that first step is the grossest offense I can make when it comes to my future wife. 

I really can't wait to start my married life, I feel ready emotionally and spiritually. Plus, as my adulthood habits begin forming, I can see where I could really use the help of a woman that just so happens to love me and is willing to deal with my faults and shortcomings (and I, hers.. though we'll keep that a secret, my future wife is perfect and always will be).  Though, all things in God's time. If things work out, they work out. If they don't, it's not the end of the world, and there will be someone else on down the road (not that I'm talking about anyone specifically at the moment, just talking).  I really need to try to have God's perspective on things and not my temporal, flawed perspective. I think if I can achieve that, life will make more sense and be more fulfilling and happier. It's a daunting task to think about, but I don't think that it is impossible with God's help and guidance.

I pray every night for direction in my life concerning this subject (as well as its intertwining with a possible upcoming mission). I just hope that I can receive inspiration from God one of these times, and then have the fortitude to listen.


Mosiah 7:27
"And because he said unto them that Christ was the God, the Father of all things, and said that he should take upon him the image of man, and it should be the image after which man was created in the beinning; or in other words, he said that man was created after the image of God, and that God should come down among the children of men, and take upon him flesh and blood, and go forth upon the face of the earth-"

As each day grows closer to my moving day (yes I know it's still about 2 months off) I can't help but feel the need to rely on the Lord more and more for direction. There are still a number of things that I have worth staying for, things that would be completely acceptable substitutions for those that I am seeking up in Utah. I still would feel like a spiritual person, and would still be a temple-worthy holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood. I am in a good situtaion where I am, but I know grander things await me in Provo (and surrounding areas). What exactly they are? Well I'd like to think I have an idea, but the Lord often surprises you. 

I could be thinking things will work out one way, but then something completely different and 100% opposite could happen, but it could still be for the better (comparing it to my current situtation in life).  I guess I've just grown so accustomed to my current life and have such a wonderful feeling because this is how my life has been for a while now, and that while has consisted of my self-conversion to the Gospel of Christ. So why would I want to mess up the very thing that brought me back into God's fold? Because that's how we grow and become even better, even stronger, that's how we find out who we truly are. It would have been easy to choose Lucifer's plan and have all of our choices made for us, but we chose Jehovah's, and things are difficult, they're scary, but it's all worth it.

So, that's what I'm staring at, every day. I ponder it, I pray about it, I go back and forth about it. do I leave my current situtaion of: Living with my parents (I actually really love it); holding 2 amazing callings that I love (and if I were staying I would have a 3rd, that I would love equally); being in an awesome singles ward that has strengthened my testimony and brought me wonderful friends; being near all of my best friends; being near 2 great schools that either one is within decent driving distance that give amazing education (but are a tiny bit pricy); being in the job/career that I currently am in with awesome growth potential within my grasp if I simply stay put and continue to learn and grow; etc.

Do I leave that all behind for Utah? The answer is yes. And every time I ask, I feel at peace.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Mosiah 6:7
"And king Mosiah did cause his people that they should till the earth. And he also, himself, did till the earth, that thereby he might not become burdensome to his people, that he might do according to that which his father had done in all things. And there was no contention among all his people for the space of three years."

As I sit here and listen to Chopin's nocturnes, I can't help but wonder what is it about this music that inspires me and touches my soul. It relaxes me, clears my mind and my conscience, and just puts everything at ease. God has different ways of talking to His children, perhaps this is His way of getting to me. 

The Nocturnes that really get to me are:
#1 in B Flat Minor
#2 in E Flat Major
#3 in B Major
#7 in C Sharp Minor
#9 in B Major
#15 in F Minor
C Sharp Minor (Posthumous)

In a few days or so, a book with all of the sheet music to his nocturnes will be arriving. I am so completely excited to start playing these songs. The anticipation is nearly palpable. My piano practicing and playing is going to start sounding very repetitive as I pretty much am only learning Chopin and Jon Schmidt at the moment. Though, you'll find no complaints from me! :)

Monday, February 9, 2009


Mosiah 5:7&13
"And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters."
"For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?"

So, thanks to me not having to work today, I made the most of my time off and had a wonderful day! A few of my friends came over to play some Rock Band, and then we went frisbee golfing. It was fairly muddy, and got dark before we could finish, but it was a blast and we had a lot of fun bonding. And then from there, we went to FHE. WOOHOO! I finally, after being in this ward for nearly a year, got to go to FHE. Seriously was the first time I had the opportunity to do so thanks to my working schedule. But I suppose that I can't complain because they have been so willing to give me Thursday nights off so that I don't have to miss institute, which I love. And I'm glad I got to go tonight, because even though I don't consdier myself a gossiper, we all are to some extent, and we could all use a self-examination in the way we talk about others. As you probably guessed, tonight's FHE lesson was on gossip.

As one of the missionaries tonight put it, "gossip is the first sign of self apostasy." That is so profound. The only reason people might gossip is because their heart is not in the right place, not the heart, or whatever else, of the person being spoken about. Gossip can come in all shapes and sizes. For example (using fictitous names and situations):
"Did you hear that Marsha is pregnant?"
"Look at what Steve is wearing to church, ugh."
"Did you hear that Brian took Stephanie out on Monday, and then Karlie out on Tuesday? What a player."
"Did you hear that Lindesy's husband can't seem to hold a job down? It's looking really bleak for them."
"I don't think he should be our Bishop, I've heard that his family life is in shambles."
"I heard that Mark was in jail not too long ago, you should probably be careful around him."

If you really take a moment to pause, and ponder, do those things not sound like a fairly normal part of a conversation? Yet every single one of those statements is designed to accent negative qualities, or assume negative things. Even if every single one of the statements presented is fact, it is still not our place to discuss them, let alone share an opinion. My opinion as to why (referring to the previous examples):

Marsha may be pregnant, but so what? It is not our business to spread that news around to others, those that need to know will undoubtedly know, and the person you are telling will either find out through normal means (Marsha or her family informing that person), or won't find out and her life will not be any more fulfilled or deprived because she did not know that fact.

Steve might not be wearing the most appropirate dress to church, but again, so what? That is between him and the Lord. He might not have a suit, or anything resembling a suit, and might not have the money to purchase such an outfit, or the means to acquire one. Now surely someone in the ward would be more than willing to loan him a suit or two until he is able to get one of his own. So, if that is the case, why not be that person, or help him find someone to loan him a suit that fits as opposed to saying negative, insulting comments about his current situation or appearance. It wouldn't be hard, or awkward depending on how you start the conversation, to find out the reason he is dressed the way he is dressed, withouth judging him.

Brian's story is a classic example of gossip. Does it really matter if Brian went on 2 dates with 2 different girls on back to back nights? No. It is simply idle conversation that has no value or worth to anyone, least of all the person you are telling. If someone were to say this to me, I hope that I would have the wherewithall to respond "So what? Mind your own business and stay out of his."

Maybe Lindsey's husband is going through a trial in his life and is doing everything he can to hold down a job, but the opportunity that is best for his family simply hasn't arrived yet. This statement, while on the surface seems like a friendly comment, has an underlying message. When the phrase "seem to" is used, it automatically is your opinion and is not fact. A better way to say this might be "Lindsey's husband hasn't been able to find a job yet, things look bleak, maybe there's something we can do to help." Is that not a much more valuable statement? That sentence shows much more love and kinship than the first example. I'll get back to that later.

A bishop's, or anyone else's, family life is none of our business. Again, this is a classic example of idle conversation that is intended to do nothing but break someone down, not to build them up. If the bishop's family life has any bearing on his ability to be your bishop, the church will take care of it, and even then, it is none of your business. That statement is not one of concern, but of accusation and judgement. A much more wholesome sentence might look like this: "I hear the bishop's family life is in shambles, I hope things turn out for the best, maybe we can take them some cookies to cheer them up." If you find yourself saying something negative, or even referring to a negative situtation (as the beginning of sentence number 2 starts), should we not find it within ourselves to help that situtation become a positive, or at least less of a negative, in whatever capactiy we are able?

Mark being in jail certainly was a terrible experience for him. And the statement about being careful around him may seem like good advice on the surface, because who knows if he can be trusted? But I'm glad I ended with this sentence, I think it sums everything up well. Mark may have done something terrible to deserve going to jail, or it might have been something small. Whatever put him there, it's over and done with and Mark is who Mark is. But if we treat Mark as though he's the same person that put him in jail, it will serve to do nothing but stunt his ability to change and to become a better person. A better way to talk about Mark might be: "I heard that Mark was in jail, we should extend a hand of friendship to let him know that he is still loved as a person and always welcome." Wow! What a different view on a person! If everyone did that, do you think Mark would be more apt to change his behavior for the better, as opposed to everyone avoiding him and judging him for something he did in the past?

Is that not one of the points of our existence here on earth? To lift eachother and to bear eachother's burdens? To extend hands of friendship and kindness and to have the image of Christ on our countenances? I didn't realize until know that the scripture I chose actually applies to this topic. The final sentence states: "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?" How can we possibly know our master, our God, if our thoughts and the intents of our heart are far from his? God would never speak ill of those people, but instead would find any way He could of lifting them and bringing out the best in them despite what their current circumstance might be. So if we are not the same way, how can we expect to recognize someone that we don't serve. For if we are not that way, we are not serving God, but we are serving satan. Satan wants us to speak ill, or heck, even to speak idly of people, because that is how societies and groups start breaking down, from within. 

I am by no means perfect on this topic, and I have much work to do. Probably more than I even realize. I hope that I can remember the things I have typed in this blog tonight on a day to day basis, I really might read this at the beginning of each day to help myself remember what a good perspective is versus an idle or a negative perspective. As Brother Elmer says, how do we "be ye therefore perfect?" By being just a little bit better each day, and having a lot of days.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Not much ado

Mosiah 4:26-27
"And now, for the sake of these things which I have spoken unto you - that is, for the sake of retaining a remission of your sins from day to day, that ye may walk guiltless before God - I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.
And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order."

Well, I turned down a calling in the church for the first time today! But it's not as bad as it sounds. It was a calling I would've LOVED to have had, but I had to turn it down because I'm moving in 2 months and it just didn't make sense. (Brother Johnson agreed that it should go to someone else after finding out I was leaving.) The calling was Institute Secretary. My love for institute is widely known, and anything I could've done to help in any way with institute, I would've absolutely loved! Oh well, maybe I'll get to be directly involved with institute up at BYU.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Mosiah 3:19
"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."

Playing the piano is so therapeutic for me. It brings such peace and joy to my soul. Maybe that's why I like playing Chopin so much. His music is so moving, so relaxing, so comforting. I could listen to his nocturnes, his waltzes, his mazurkas, his preludes, his polonaises, all of it, for hours on end and just feel amazing. When I play Chopin's music, I literally am in tune with the music, it just makes sense to me and I love it. 

I am so glad that I know the truth of things. That I don't have questions about the gospel as far as its basics are concerned. I look at the lifes of those around me and how confused and lost they seem on ocassion, not just as far as their life direction goes, but as to the purpose in life and whom they really are. It is so comforting and brings me such joy and happiness that I can sit back, reflect on my life, and literally see the hand of God in my life, and see His plan of happiness take action in my life. I just hope that I can live worthily of His presence in my life every day. 

Thank You

Mosiah 2:41
"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of neverending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."

Sorry again for the late blog, but my father and I just had a good discussion, and I figured it was worth not interrupting that when I know I could just do my blog later. So here I am, blogging. 

So, I called the Chick-fil-A up in Orem to see about job opportunities up there (I do still intend, at this point, to make a career out of Chick-fil-A and operate my own store one day).  Turns out the operator of that store was indeed there, and able to talk.  His name is Terry and he seems like a great guy. He seemed very interesting in meeting me and seeing about ways I could help out his store and is having me submit a formal application via email whenever I get the chance to. Methinks that will be happening on Sunday, yay.  

I am so incredibly blessed. I sit and think about the people in my life right now, and I can't thank Heavenly Father enough for putting me in the situation I am in right now. My parents are simply amazing, I don't think 2 people can raise a child better than I have been raised. They have done more than raise me, they have mentored me (when I allow them to), they are always there when I need them (even if my car is broken down outside Waco's city limits and it's near midnight), they let me live my life and grow in ways that I need to grow (sometimes I wish they hadn't haha), and they are such shining examples of faith, love, charity, endurance, and hope. That was a really long sentence, but they deserve it! 

The singles ward that I am in right now has been amazing. I have loved it, and I hate that I will have to leave them in March. I have learned so much in my almost-year there. Bishop Vanderpool truly is a man of God, as well as President Manion. Those men have helped guide my life more than they will ever know. I have loved my callings in the ward: Ward Pianist and Ward Choir Director. I really have grown a lot in my musical taste and appreciation from being the choir director. It scared the jeebies out of me when I was first called, but I got used to it, and have really enjoyed it. I probably could do a better job as the ward pianist, but I absolutely love playing the hymns, I feel such a strong spirit as I play the piano while the ward sings along. Nothing can replace that. The sunday school classes that I have taken have done so much for my gospel knowledge. Harvey, Nathan, and Anson are such great teachers. I can't remember enjoying any church class as much as I have enjoyed these last 2 semesters of Sunday School. Nor can I recall learning as much. 

The friends I have made in the singles ward here (excluding those I knew before) also have done so much for my life. Natalia, Jimmy, Anthony, Ally, Chris, Keisha, and so many more. I am so glad to have the friendship of such wonderful people. The youth of the church truly does have strength in numbers, we lift eachother, we sustain eachother, we bear eachother's burdens, we are of one spirit and one goal in servitude and love. I have made friendships here that will last throughout my lifetime and beyond.

Institute. If there is any moment of my week that I can't wait until it comes around again, it is institute. I feel the spirit so strongly there. Brother and Sister Elmer are wonderful people. They are the prime example of what it means to magnify your calling. I have taken numerous institute classes in the past whether it be in Lubbock, Denton or even previous classes here in Colleyville. None of them even come close to the Elmer's classes. I honestly get giddy as I pull into church on Thursday nights. My testimony has grown so much from institute, I can't even imagine where I would be today spiritually if it were not for Thursday nights. I am going to miss it so, so much.

Chick-fil-A in Lake Worth. Without question this has been my favorite job of all of my past jobs, other Chick-fil-A's included. It is going to be so hard for me to leave. I have grown so much as a person there, with the responsibilities I have there and the personal accountability that exists there, all within a wonderful pressure-free work environment. It is awesome. The culture that Mike has grown in that store makes me happy to come to work every day. I hope that I can emulate this store when and if I open my own Chick-fil-A. The friends that I have made at work also have been simply awesome. Maritza, Jordan, Beth, Megan, Holly, John David, Andrew, Ben, Travis, Misty, Garrett, and so on. I honestly have gained 2 siblings from this Chick-fil-A. Megan really is the little sister I never had, as well as Garrett is the little brother I wish I'd had. Those 2 people bless my lives daily, and I don't think they even realize it. It's going to be so hard to leave them all behind. A piece of me will always be there with them.

My friends that have been my friends forever. Stephen, Craig, Brock, JB. I suppose this will simply be another chapter to our rollercoaster of friendship. I will miss the proximity we share right now. But I have to take a moment to think on the blessings I have received from our friendship. Countless laughing fits, the warmth of a smiling face, baseball games, six flags, movies, kindergarten, dungeons and dragons, ddo, ddr, rides to school, tornado terry's, peter pan, and so much more. I can't think of better friends, but life moves forward.

My siblings are constant sources of love and wisdom. I have been so blessed to be able to see the choices my brother and sisters have made, and see how their lives have been blessed. I hope that I can make the same choices and reap the same benefits. I don't deserve the amount of love that my siblings have given to me, but that's what family is for right?! haha. I hope each and every one of them knows just how much I love them and look up to them. I thank God every day for my family. Even my nieces and nephews are such inspirations to me. The choices I see Mary making now that she is in young women's, I am so glad that she has such a strong spirit and has such a love and knowledge of the gospel. She is going to be such a beautiful woman one day, in every way. All of my nieces and nephews have such wonderful quatlities, it would take me forever to list them all. I love being an uncle, and I love seeing them grow and blossom, it is going to be hard to move away from Mary and Kaelyn (and their parents! haha), but I'm sure I'll see them often enough to not feel too left out of their lives.

And last, but not least, there is a certain someone that doesn't like being mentioned, so I won't. But I'd be doing her a disservice if I didn't include her in this list I have going here. She is so talented, so beautiful, so sweet, so caring, so thoughtful, so intelligent, so pure in heart, I could go on and on. I am truly blessed to be associated with her in any way. I could compare her to any summer day, and she would top it every time. I look forward to getting to know her better, I'm sure the better I get to know her, the more she will bless my life. And hopefully I'll find ways to return the favor. 

I can't help but thank God every night for the place that I'm in right now. My life is truly wonderful. I hope that it just gets better from here as I add schooling and more career progression, and whatever else awaits me down the road. God has a plan for His children, and He loves us enough to bless us constantly. 

"And behold also, if I, whom ye call your king, who has spent his days in your service, and yet has been in the service of God, do merit any thanks from you, O how you ought to thank your heavenly King!"