"And except they repent in sackcloth and ashes, and cry mightily to the Lord their God, I will not hear their prayers, neither will I deliver them out of their afflictions; and thus saith the Lord, and thus hath he commanded me."
Well, there certainly is no turning back now... I have been released as the pianist for my ward since I will only be there 3 more weeks, and they need time to get another pianist in place and comfortable with the routine. That calling brought me a lot of joy, I really had fun providing the music for our ward. Now I am simply the choir director, and after our next performance (probably my last week there) I will be released from that as well. I am going to severely miss my singles ward in Colleyville, I have grown so much, learned so much, matured so much, and really become whom I desire to be over the last year with the help of that ward.
Anyhow, so I believe I have finally made up my mind as far as what I want to study at school, and for the first time in a long while, I am honestly excited about my future education! I have always been curious as to what makes people do the things they do, why they think the way they think, what motivates one person versus another person, and so forth. In addition, I always find myself trying to help people emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc.. wherever I'm able to. Whether it be listening to someone's internal struggles, their outward struggles, questions they ponder and whatnot, and I honestly find myself caring about their situtation each and every time. I'm not always successful in helping everyone, but it is something that I honestly love doing and I usually have some measure of helpfullness to a situation whether it be a momentary lifting of spirits, or an actual answer to their problem. So, I think with a church-based education and guidance, I will be better able to do that which I love: helping people. Therefore my intended major is going to be psychology.
And honestly, I doubt I would let myself major in psychology anywhere other than BYU. There are just so many opinions and "scientific facts" out there that say one thing when human nature (whether the facts support it or not) is simply not what a lot of experts say it is. Psychological instruction without direction of God (you know, our literal Father) is really just guess work when you really break it down. That is why I look forward to receiving spiritual instruction on the subject, because that is how I try to base my life and the advice/help that I currently offer to those in need.
In addition, being well versed in psychology opens up so many doors career-wise. Even if I do end up going down the path of a Chick-fil-A operator, having a psychology background will help me run my store better as far as keeping morale high and maintaining quality employees. And if I don't end up sticking with Chick-fil-A, psychology is one profession that wont be low in demand for a long time to come if ever. I feel really good about this, I am completely stoked!
i have heard things about htose classes .. bc of the theories you learn a bunch of things contrary to the gosple!!