"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of neverending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."
Sorry again for the late blog, but my father and I just had a good discussion, and I figured it was worth not interrupting that when I know I could just do my blog later. So here I am, blogging.
So, I called the Chick-fil-A up in Orem to see about job opportunities up there (I do still intend, at this point, to make a career out of Chick-fil-A and operate my own store one day). Turns out the operator of that store was indeed there, and able to talk. His name is Terry and he seems like a great guy. He seemed very interesting in meeting me and seeing about ways I could help out his store and is having me submit a formal application via email whenever I get the chance to. Methinks that will be happening on Sunday, yay.
I am so incredibly blessed. I sit and think about the people in my life right now, and I can't thank Heavenly Father enough for putting me in the situation I am in right now. My parents are simply amazing, I don't think 2 people can raise a child better than I have been raised. They have done more than raise me, they have mentored me (when I allow them to), they are always there when I need them (even if my car is broken down outside Waco's city limits and it's near midnight), they let me live my life and grow in ways that I need to grow (sometimes I wish they hadn't haha), and they are such shining examples of faith, love, charity, endurance, and hope. That was a really long sentence, but they deserve it!
The singles ward that I am in right now has been amazing. I have loved it, and I hate that I will have to leave them in March. I have learned so much in my almost-year there. Bishop Vanderpool truly is a man of God, as well as President Manion. Those men have helped guide my life more than they will ever know. I have loved my callings in the ward: Ward Pianist and Ward Choir Director. I really have grown a lot in my musical taste and appreciation from being the choir director. It scared the jeebies out of me when I was first called, but I got used to it, and have really enjoyed it. I probably could do a better job as the ward pianist, but I absolutely love playing the hymns, I feel such a strong spirit as I play the piano while the ward sings along. Nothing can replace that. The sunday school classes that I have taken have done so much for my gospel knowledge. Harvey, Nathan, and Anson are such great teachers. I can't remember enjoying any church class as much as I have enjoyed these last 2 semesters of Sunday School. Nor can I recall learning as much.
The friends I have made in the singles ward here (excluding those I knew before) also have done so much for my life. Natalia, Jimmy, Anthony, Ally, Chris, Keisha, and so many more. I am so glad to have the friendship of such wonderful people. The youth of the church truly does have strength in numbers, we lift eachother, we sustain eachother, we bear eachother's burdens, we are of one spirit and one goal in servitude and love. I have made friendships here that will last throughout my lifetime and beyond.
Institute. If there is any moment of my week that I can't wait until it comes around again, it is institute. I feel the spirit so strongly there. Brother and Sister Elmer are wonderful people. They are the prime example of what it means to magnify your calling. I have taken numerous institute classes in the past whether it be in Lubbock, Denton or even previous classes here in Colleyville. None of them even come close to the Elmer's classes. I honestly get giddy as I pull into church on Thursday nights. My testimony has grown so much from institute, I can't even imagine where I would be today spiritually if it were not for Thursday nights. I am going to miss it so, so much.
Chick-fil-A in Lake Worth. Without question this has been my favorite job of all of my past jobs, other Chick-fil-A's included. It is going to be so hard for me to leave. I have grown so much as a person there, with the responsibilities I have there and the personal accountability that exists there, all within a wonderful pressure-free work environment. It is awesome. The culture that Mike has grown in that store makes me happy to come to work every day. I hope that I can emulate this store when and if I open my own Chick-fil-A. The friends that I have made at work also have been simply awesome. Maritza, Jordan, Beth, Megan, Holly, John David, Andrew, Ben, Travis, Misty, Garrett, and so on. I honestly have gained 2 siblings from this Chick-fil-A. Megan really is the little sister I never had, as well as Garrett is the little brother I wish I'd had. Those 2 people bless my lives daily, and I don't think they even realize it. It's going to be so hard to leave them all behind. A piece of me will always be there with them.
My friends that have been my friends forever. Stephen, Craig, Brock, JB. I suppose this will simply be another chapter to our rollercoaster of friendship. I will miss the proximity we share right now. But I have to take a moment to think on the blessings I have received from our friendship. Countless laughing fits, the warmth of a smiling face, baseball games, six flags, movies, kindergarten, dungeons and dragons, ddo, ddr, rides to school, tornado terry's, peter pan, and so much more. I can't think of better friends, but life moves forward.
My siblings are constant sources of love and wisdom. I have been so blessed to be able to see the choices my brother and sisters have made, and see how their lives have been blessed. I hope that I can make the same choices and reap the same benefits. I don't deserve the amount of love that my siblings have given to me, but that's what family is for right?! haha. I hope each and every one of them knows just how much I love them and look up to them. I thank God every day for my family. Even my nieces and nephews are such inspirations to me. The choices I see Mary making now that she is in young women's, I am so glad that she has such a strong spirit and has such a love and knowledge of the gospel. She is going to be such a beautiful woman one day, in every way. All of my nieces and nephews have such wonderful quatlities, it would take me forever to list them all. I love being an uncle, and I love seeing them grow and blossom, it is going to be hard to move away from Mary and Kaelyn (and their parents! haha), but I'm sure I'll see them often enough to not feel too left out of their lives.
And last, but not least, there is a certain someone that doesn't like being mentioned, so I won't. But I'd be doing her a disservice if I didn't include her in this list I have going here. She is so talented, so beautiful, so sweet, so caring, so thoughtful, so intelligent, so pure in heart, I could go on and on. I am truly blessed to be associated with her in any way. I could compare her to any summer day, and she would top it every time. I look forward to getting to know her better, I'm sure the better I get to know her, the more she will bless my life. And hopefully I'll find ways to return the favor.
I can't help but thank God every night for the place that I'm in right now. My life is truly wonderful. I hope that it just gets better from here as I add schooling and more career progression, and whatever else awaits me down the road. God has a plan for His children, and He loves us enough to bless us constantly.
"And behold also, if I, whom ye call your king, who has spent his days in your service, and yet has been in the service of God, do merit any thanks from you, O how you ought to thank your heavenly King!"
im going to miss you so much, greg. you have no idea.