Mosiah 23:10-11
"Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands in bringing so many of you to a knowledge of his truth.
Nevertheless, in this I do not glory, for I am unworthy to glory of myself."
Well, I have begun my goal of making audio CD's for all of the General Conference talks given by the prophtes and apostles since 2003. Unfortunately, only 4 (5 if one of the talks is short, and we all know how often a general authority gives a "short" talk!) of them fit onto one CD, so I've used 16 CD's for just Hinkley, Monson, Faust, Eyring and Uchtdorf. Oh well, it is awesome to listen to these talks while I drive to and from work, and wherever else I travel. It helps keep me focused on things that matter throughout the day. I think I finally have a solution to my problem in finding a "spiritual lunch" to complement my spiritual breakfast (1 chapter out of the Book of Mormon) and dinner (this blog).
I love the words of the leaders of the church. They truly are inspired of God. I do not consider myself a crier, but I was brought to tears by one of President Monson's talks on the way to work today. It was such a touching story, and I felt the spirit so strongly as I listened to it. I look forward to more moments such as that one. When you surround yourself with things that help to facilitate the presence of the spirit, your testimony can not help but be strengthened.
I would encourage all members of the church to download the general conference addresses, and listen to them as often as time permits. They are not simply meant to be heard once, and only on the day they are given, but they stand as testaments of our time. These leaders of our church address us only a handful of times each year, what they say is of such great importance that we should try to listen to them daily. I'm sure we all would love to hear them speak to us daily, to give us counsel each and every day on how we should live that day. So why not allow them to do so by re-visiting the words they have given to us daily (or, at least as often as time permits)?
Amos 3:7
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
D&C 1:38
"What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth shall pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same."
And who are the Lord's servants? As Amos himself said, the Lord's servants are the prophets. Many times members of the church get so wrapped up in understanding every fine detail of the standard works that they lose sight of the importance of revelation, modern-day revelation. Yes, the scriptures are wonderful, and without the Book of Mormon and the Bible, the world would be far worse off than it is today. But the wonderfulness of a living prophet that receives direct guidance from God, for our day, and for OUR futures? That is irreplacable and incomprable. We should not only be feasting from the scriptures, but we should also feast from the words of our living prophet and apostles. They are in tune with the current struggles and needs of the church, as well as those of the world. If I were to choose someone to help me make the right choices in my life, I sure as anything would prefer someone who loves me, cares about me, and recieves direct influence from God himself!
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