Thursday, February 12, 2009


Mosiah 7:27
"And because he said unto them that Christ was the God, the Father of all things, and said that he should take upon him the image of man, and it should be the image after which man was created in the beinning; or in other words, he said that man was created after the image of God, and that God should come down among the children of men, and take upon him flesh and blood, and go forth upon the face of the earth-"

As each day grows closer to my moving day (yes I know it's still about 2 months off) I can't help but feel the need to rely on the Lord more and more for direction. There are still a number of things that I have worth staying for, things that would be completely acceptable substitutions for those that I am seeking up in Utah. I still would feel like a spiritual person, and would still be a temple-worthy holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood. I am in a good situtaion where I am, but I know grander things await me in Provo (and surrounding areas). What exactly they are? Well I'd like to think I have an idea, but the Lord often surprises you. 

I could be thinking things will work out one way, but then something completely different and 100% opposite could happen, but it could still be for the better (comparing it to my current situtation in life).  I guess I've just grown so accustomed to my current life and have such a wonderful feeling because this is how my life has been for a while now, and that while has consisted of my self-conversion to the Gospel of Christ. So why would I want to mess up the very thing that brought me back into God's fold? Because that's how we grow and become even better, even stronger, that's how we find out who we truly are. It would have been easy to choose Lucifer's plan and have all of our choices made for us, but we chose Jehovah's, and things are difficult, they're scary, but it's all worth it.

So, that's what I'm staring at, every day. I ponder it, I pray about it, I go back and forth about it. do I leave my current situtaion of: Living with my parents (I actually really love it); holding 2 amazing callings that I love (and if I were staying I would have a 3rd, that I would love equally); being in an awesome singles ward that has strengthened my testimony and brought me wonderful friends; being near all of my best friends; being near 2 great schools that either one is within decent driving distance that give amazing education (but are a tiny bit pricy); being in the job/career that I currently am in with awesome growth potential within my grasp if I simply stay put and continue to learn and grow; etc.

Do I leave that all behind for Utah? The answer is yes. And every time I ask, I feel at peace.

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