Saturday, December 18, 2010


Alma 49:5
"Now at this time the chief captains of the Lamanites were astonished exceedingly, because of the wisdom of the Nephites in preparing their places of security."

I enjoy the war-chapters of the Book of Mormon because they are so easily applied to our spiritual struggles and battles that we face today.  The Nephites were incredibly successful in this first battle with the Lamanites (first one since Amalickiah had obtained the Lamanite throne) because they were very well prepared.  They took their weakest cities, and converted them into fortresses.  They spared no cost in ensuring that it would be impossible for the Lamanites to take control of those cities and slaughter the inhabitants.  In so doing, the Lamanites lost more than a thousand warriors whilst the Nephites did not lose one soul.

Should we not do the same today?  Should we not be preparing our spirits and our spiritual strength as much as we possibly can so that when Satan comes with his forces to tempt us and tries to lead us toward spiritual death, we will be prepared and ready for his onslaughts?  Is this not a better method of combating the adversary than simply saying "OK Satan, take your best shot.  I'm not very well prepared, but I know that I am strong."  Would it not be much better to tell him that you are both strong AND well-prepared for his wiles?  

Daily scripture study, prayer, acts of charity, paying tithing, actively building up Zion, attending the temple, and so forth.  These are the methods of spiritual preparation that the Lord has set forth.  There is no better day-to-day activity that we can participate in other than those which better prepare us for the times when things won't be so easy, peaceful, and calm.

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